A Simple Way To Increase Your Swing Speed

 I have never been a big training aid fan as I find many of them gimmicky and simply don’t work. So after some research on SuperSpeed golf, Golf Mentor decided to invest in a few sets. Well I don’t think I will become the next Bryson DeChambeau or Cameron Champ who’s swing speed with their driver averages 125 MPH, I thought it would be a good idea to try out the SuperSpeed program for myself. I also thought it would be a great idea for one of our students to try it out as well as he was looking to create more speed and of course distance. Neil our student began his training 6 weeks ago and I did 4 weeks ago, of course talking with each other during the process to make sure we are continuing to do it so we can make sure the data can match the process of the program. The process of SuperSpeed golf is very simple and takes less then 10 minutes to do 3 times a week, it consists of 3 differently weighted speed sticks and a video on how to do it properly. Without getting into all the details the goal of the process is to swing the speed sticks as fast as possible always trying to beat your last swing.

So week one I put my skeptical mind to work and started the process making sure I follow procedures as it is important to stretch and warm up the body before you swing the first speed stick. Well after the first session was complete I was out breath, yes you heard me correctly. Two days later I had did my second session and although I wasn’t out of breath as much my muscles were a bite sore from the first session, hence this is why they only want you to do it 3 times a week for muscle and body recovery. As I continued for the next 4 weeks I found each time I was swinging a bit faster with the speed sticks and can really start to feel the core build/strengthen in my body, simply put my body is feeling better and speed gaining. As Neil and I talk back and forth we are feeling the same feelings in our body and swing. Neil is doing this at home while I am at the range, the difference is Neil does not have a swing speed tracker and I do so I can see real time results each time I do it. Well it was time for Neil to test 6 weeks into the program, his starting speed with his driver was 90 MPH and now at test time he measured 95MPH. Not only did he see a gain of 5 MPH his swing looked very solid in tempo and balance as well. Well I will admit I was surprised by the early results and very impressed. Now my turn for the test, starting speed was 100 MPH and the same jump of 5 MPH occurred as I was swinging it at 105 MPH. In my competitive days I was swinging at 110 MPH which is a goal of mine to do once again. Neil sent me a text later that day that said... “I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me with my golf game. It was so gratifying to see the increase in swing speed that I’ve achieved so far. I will be happy to speak with anyone if they have questions about the speed sticks. I am very impressed with the SuperSpeed program, it works exactly as advertised so far”. I thank Neil for is comments and his feedback and asked if I could share his story and he said of course.

If a gain of 1 MPH in driver speed yields to approximately 2.5 yards distance then Neil has gained over 12 yards to date!

So am I still skeptical today? No. That being said I probably would be still had I never tried the program myself. Golf Mentor offers a SuperSpeed program in the spring that will give you an intro to the SuperSpeed program and how you can take advantage of it here at the range.

Simply reach out to adam@golfmentor.ca if you have any questions or comments.