What Should Your 2021 Expectations Be?

Let me help you with a starting point, have more fun and enjoy golf that much more. I think we can all agree when you are enjoying an activity or sport, you have a better chance for success. This might sound easy but I think too many people forget how important this is.

Next step, how much time do you have for golf this year, this is very important as if you don’t have much time you should lower your expectations. But who doesn’t want to make more time for golf, like really?

Here are a few good ways to set expectations:
   -If you want to hit the ball farther, start with improving your flexibility, balance, and swing speed
        -how often will you do this in a week, don’t forget the jazz hands
   -If you want to lower your score, you need to decide which areas you think are your weaknesses
      -Hint, most people are from 100 yards and in. Did you know you have as high as 65% of your shots in a round from that distance?
                -create a plan of what you should practice, start with short term goals, for example 20 short putts made in a row once a week, mid range goals like improved distance control over longer distances, and long term goals of consistent putting on the course
      -Full swing shots might be a problem, focus on one aspect at a time, short term goal, set up and pre shot routine, same every time to name one.

It is also so important to write the above down, if you do not write it down, you may not stick to the process. When you accomplish your goal, it will be that much more satisfying when completed when you see it in writing.

The biggest mistake on expectations and goals I see is golfers set a score they want to break. The tough part on this that this is an outcome, you need a process on how to get there. If you focus on the process you will be enjoying the journey along the way that much more.

If you don’t know what type of stretch the jazz hands are, you will have to come to one of our fun sessions this spring.