What Should Your Golf Expectations Be?

 Everyone needs to have proper golf expectations. You need to understand how much you have practiced and played. When was the last time you have done either. Living in Manitoba in 2022 is very different compared to last year when we were already open for 2 months.


Here are a few tips to start the season…

-Enjoy just being on the golf course or range, long winter, much better being outside

-Avoid counting your score, just remember the good shots and continue to improve on how many you have per round
-Try a few different clubs off the tee, no reason to hit driver every time. Most will actually hit their 3 wood farther… do you know why? Please reply and we will tell you why?

-After the round relax, think of the good shots and then think of what you may want to work on in your next practice session


A few tips to avoid
-Comparing your last few rounds of last year to now after you played 20-30 rounds in the summer. Very hard to repeat that this early in the season

-Count your score, first rounds will not be great, hard to have any short game, course conditions are not mid summer shape yet either

-Think you can hit the ball just as far as you did last year, colder now and unless you worked out regularly you will not be in shape to make that full turn, no chance


Enjoy your early rounds, avoid any frustration and simply have fun playing golf again