The Do's and Don'ts on helping your partner/friends/family play golf

Why wouldn't you want to play golf as a family, it is a great sport you can do together and have great conversations and fun at the same time. When golfing with your partner, family, and friends you should know there are some do’s and don’ts to make sure everyone is enjoying the experience.

The Do's:

-Always start with the positives

-Understand where the golfer is in their golfing career, just starting out, keep it very simple, 

-Offer advice that is easy to do, for example, relax, swing and try and touch the grass

-Mention what is needed to do

The Don'ts: (will try and keep it short)

-Never ever use the line "You lifted your head", if you use this to help someone, never ever offer golf advice again because you do not know the golf swing at all

-Do not tell people what the golfer did wrong, help them do what they are supposed to do

-Do not be a hero and complicate the swing, the golf swing is not that complicated but to many people like to show they think they know the golf swing like a pro

-Just because a swing thought works for you, do not assume it works for the one you are helping

If you really want to help someone learn the game for a lifetime, get someone that knows how to coach to teach them. My guess is when they come back after a session you will learn something along the way as well.

I have never had one person come to me after getting a gift certificate say, "I don't really need any help, but my friend got me this." The common response is… I am so happy I got this, I always wanted to get some help but never got around to getting some. More times than not, they then tell the person that the session really helped, thanks so much. A great Christmas gift that keeps on giving.